Our Service /  Responsible Business Global Charter  / Signatory Fee

Signatory Fee

Signatory Fee

The annual signatory fee is payable according to the following signatory category:

Category Annual Fee
Public-listed Company USD 5,000
Privately-owned Company

  • Large Company (Employees >250)
  •  SME Employees < 250)

USD 3,000
USD 1,000


Non-Profit Organization USD 1,000
Professional Service Partner USD 1,500
Network Supporter Free
  1. Signatory fee should be paid after approval of the application.
  2. Half (50%) of the signatory fee should be paid for additional location of operation in order to get the additional certificate
  3. All signatory fees are non-refundable.



Responsible Management Standard Association (RMSA) reserves the right to accept or decline any organizations seeking to become a signatory to the Responsibilecompany® Global Charter in its absolute discretion and is not required to give an explanation or reason for its decision. .

RMSA also reserves the right to remove any signatory which is found to be acting against the policy of Responsibilecompany® Global Charter.

RMSA does not endorse the activities or operations of any of the signatories.

RMSA is not liable for any loss or damage incurred by any party whether as a result of becoming a signatory, or as a result of reliance on the Responsibilecompany® Global Charter or otherwise.

Signatories are bound by English version, any translation of the Responsibilecompany® Global Charter is for reference only.



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Responsible Management Standard Association UK